
How To Put Hair On A Crochet Doll


There are many different means y'all tin add hair to your crocheted dolls. I'yard going to talk almost three methods that I use frequently, and and so evidence a couple of combination methods that also work well for me.

Looped Hair

This is the method I use the about. Cut the yarn twice as long every bit the length you want, just make information technology longer and then you tin trim it afterward to get it all fifty-fifty. Put the claw through the loop where you want the pilus, take hold of a strand or two of your yarn and pull information technology through. Grab the finish of the yarn and pull that through the loop.

You lot can cover a doll's head in pilus like this, but information technology would stop up being way also much pilus. When I use this method, I more often than not put the hair in ponytails or braids. Then you can just add the loops around the edges, leaving a bald spot in the middle.



Seamed Hair

This method is a scrap more complicated, but likewise takes less yarn and looks a scrap cleaner.

Cutting your yarn the length you lot desire it, but as e'er leave information technology longer so you can trim it and make it even. Starting at the top of the head, agree a couple of strands of yarn on there and utilise your yarn needle and yarn of a matching colour to sew it in identify. Continue placing strands and sewing all the way down the back of the head.

This is a pretty quick method of putting on hair, just it volition as well leave a bald spot on their head.


When I utilize this method, I put their hair in ponytails or braids to cover that bald spot.

While I think this method is quick and looks overnice, information technology's not a very expert method to apply if a child is going to be playing with the doll since information technology's possible they could pull those strands out.

Wig Cap

This is the method that I use the well-nigh if I'm making a doll that's going to exist played with. A wig cap doesn't look as natural, simply it stays on better and is pretty easy to practise.


Wig caps are easy to brand. You lot tin exercise this by following the design for the dolls head, but instead of decreasing, add a few more rows. When I brand caps, I keep testing it on my dolls head until it's the size I want information technology.

Yous tin can run up the wig cap on and extend your stitches downwards a scrap to make it wait more like hair, or you can make a scalloped or shaped wig cap.


In that location are many ways yous can combine these methods to get the hair that you want. Here are a few combinations that I use.

Calculation a Lid

This is my absolute favorite considering, similar using a wig cap, information technology stays in identify well and will agree upward to play. By adding pilus under the hat, though, you besides become the real wait of hair.

Simply add looped hair nether the skirt of the hat, or add some curls. Speaking of curls, they're pretty easy to make besides. Yous just crochet a chain longer than you want, then work two or three sc's into each chain. Play around with it until yous go the length you want, and leave a long tail at the first and finish to attach it to the head.

With a lid, you can do different pilus styles too. Leave the hair loose, or put it in braids or pigtails.

Adding Pilus to a Wig Cap

If the wig cap is just besides evidently, you tin can always add hair to it. Try looping hair at the back to create a ponytail, or attach curls on each side to create curly pigtails.

Using a Wig Cap Under Looped Pilus

Sometimes, looped pilus volition still get out gaps and bald spots, especially if you're but looping 1 strand to keep the weight of the hair downwardly. In this instance, you lot tin use a wig cap underneath the pilus to disguise those spots.

These are just a few methods you can employ to add hair to your crocheted dolls. In that location are so many dissimilar means, information technology'due south good to try a few and find what y'all like the best. You can totally modify the look of a doll but by doing their hair differently, and then you may observe that y'all similar to utilize many different methods like I practice.

I hope this helps you to add hair to your crocheted dolls. If you have other neat methods that y'all use, go visit me on Facebook and tell me about it.


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