
Can A Thermostat Be Put Above A Return

Furnace Short Cycling with Nest Thermostat

Ii nights ago my furnace began short cycling. Short cycling is when the furnace will kick on for a few seconds, then shut off for a few seconds, so back on, then dorsum off, repeat indefinitely. It'due south loud and it doesn't heat anything. For me, the timing couldn't take been worse: a polar vortex slipped downwardly that afternoon bringing with information technology the coldest temperatures we've had in decades. I ended up tinkering, but couldn't make whatever progress. I moved the kiddos into the one room in the house with baseboard heating, and called a service technician in the morning. With his assistance and the help of Nest phone back up I was able to become everything back up and running. I couldn't discover this solution online anywhere, so I've posted it here hoping it'll save someone else a frigid night.

I'k non a heating and cooling proficient, so I'll just claim this solution is helpful for my arrangement every bit configured. Information technology's a common configuration, simply if yours differs, you may have to do a footling more digging. My HVAC setup:

  • Furnace (forced air)
  • Air Conditioner
  • Nest two

I have 4 wires connected to my Nest:

  • Yellow (Y1), Ac
  • Light-green (G), Fan
  • Red (Rc), Ability to switch
  • White (W1), Heat

The technician was able to narrow downwards the problem to my Nest thermostat. The quickest way to eliminate the furnace as the problem is to:

  1. Turn power off to your furnace.
  2. Remove the Nest thermostat from your wall.
  3. Remove the Red (Rc or Rh) and White (W1) from the thermostat.
  4. Connect the Reddish and White wires together (twisting, alligator clips, or whatever yous've got to move those electrons).
  5. Turn power dorsum on to your furnace.

disconnect the red and white

A thermostat is basically a programmable switch. When your estrus comes on the thermostat switches ability to the white wire from the red wire. That's why this should work. If your heat comes on after shorting the crimson and white wires together and is no long short cycling, your thermostat is likely the problem.

Here's how to gear up your Nest thermostat:

  1. Turn power off to your furnace.
  2. Remove the Nest from the wall (if you haven't already).
  3. Supercede the red and white wires to their original locations (if yous oasis't already).
  4. Remove the Yellow (Y1) wire and constrict it away safely.
  5. Put the Nest back on your wall.
  6. Turn power back on to your furnace.

disconnect the yellow wire

So what'due south happening? Honestly,  I'm not entirely sure. The caption I got from Nest telephone support was that the extreme common cold was affecting the yellow wire that runs exterior to the air conditioner somehow. Sure. I've seen others mutter well-nigh battery bug and software updates, and then take it for what it's worth. Regardless, removing the yellow wire solved my curt cycling problems.

This is only a temporary solution for when it'southward insanely common cold. One time the polar vortex leaves and temperatures return closer to something resembling normal, I'll reconnect the yellowish wire. Otherwise the Air conditioning won't plough on once temperatures really get upward at that place.

Tags: effectually the home

Can A Thermostat Be Put Above A Return,


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