
How To Create Put Method In Web Api Nodejs

In this article, we are going to acquire the most common HTTP methods(Postal service, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE). If you are a beginner then you are confused when using those HTTP methods. Let'south try to articulate your defoliation through the examples.

We will be using this fake API for a demonstration. with credits to

The near commonly used HTTP methods Post, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE are similar to CURD (create, update, read, delete) operations in the database. Just endeavor to call back below the key Points

  1. Create NEW record =>POST
  2. read=>GET
  3. If the record exists and so update else create a new record=>PUT
  4. update/modify=>PATCH
  5. delete=>DELETE

The Get Method

Get method is used to retrieve or get the information from the given server using a given URL. In Residuum CURD, information technology performs the read operation.

Let's attempt GET method :

Permit's gear up an HTML file that you can run locally on your browser. Create a file called go.html.Allow'due south look at the code :

Get method Code

go method output

The Postal service Method

Post is used for sending data to the server such every bit uploading a file or transferring some information or adding a new row to the back finish table to any kind of spider web form. In a simple sentence, we tin say that the mail method is used for inserting new items in the backend server. In REST CRUD performance it performs the create functioning.

Let's effort the mail method:

Again create a post.html file that tin can run in your local browser. Permit'southward endeavor the code:


lawmaking output

Note that we needed to pass in the asking method, headers, and torso. Nosotros don't pass these in the Get Method because these fields are configured by default for the GET request merely nosotros need to specify them for all other types of requests.

The server nosotros are using is a placeholder service, so the server is just simulating the right responses. No actual modify is beingness washed to the API, so don't be dislocated. If yous become to these website exercise not find the new resource added.

The PUT Method

The PUT method is nigh oftentimes used to update an existing resource.

let's try to sympathize the PUT method mechanism:

In HTTP.PUT method, the resource is commencement identified by the URL and if it exists, then it is updated, otherwise, a new resource is created. In but nosotros can say that If the resources exists then update else create a new resource.

Permit's try to understand the put method through the code

Once more create a put.html file. Let'south try this!!!


The PATCH method is used to update the values of the resource backdrop.

let'due south await at the patch method

Before writing the code look at the below screenshot which is taken from the placeholder where userID:1 this userID has two belongings one is the title & another one is the completed. Respectively their values are 'delectus aut autem' & 'false'.Here we are going to update the values of the resource properties.

let'southward do the code:

create a patch.html file on your local machine...


patch.html file output


The DELETE method is used to delete a resource specified past its URI.

Let's try information technology!!!

create a delete.html file in your local machine...


delete.html file output

Finally, I can say that you take a ameliorate understanding of HTTP methods POST, Get, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.

🎺🎸 🎻 !!!Happy Coding!!!🎺🎸 🎻….

Effort out the full code from my repository:

!!!Thank you for reading!!!

How To Create Put Method In Web Api Nodejs,


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